Zambrano loses his mind against Pittsburgh ~ Baseball in San Diego

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zambrano loses his mind against Pittsburgh

Today in Chicago Carlos Zambrano lost his mind. He was ejected in the seventh after Nyier Morgan tied the game on a wild pitch. The play was close but went in favor of the Buccos. Zambrano went nuts!!!!

This guy is truly one of the all time great hot heads. After screaming at home plate umpire Mark Carlson and getting tossed, Zambrano made the ejection motion to Carlson. It was classic Zambrano. The he decided to toss the baseball into left center and then take a bat to the dug out. He beat up on a gatorade machine and whatever else was in his path. I can't tell you how fun it was to watch.

Making the situation even better was Cub manager Lou Pinella, the "King of the Hotheads." In his post game press conference he was saying that Carlos needed to relax and learn to settle down. What? Have you ever seen Lou get all twisted after a bad call? It is great!

Some of the all time great melt downs in the game have to inlude George Brett being accused of too much pine tar on his bat. He went so sideways after the umpire made the call that he had to be restrained by half of his team, then he emptied the dug out onto the field. Does anyone remember Carlos Perez of the Dodgers taking a bat to two Gatorade coolers after walking three Pirates in a row? I don't know why he was so steamed, Kevin Malone had just signed him to some ridiculous contract that he never lived up to. Good old Kevin Malone!

Lloyd McClendon actually picking up 1st base and leaving with it was another great meltdown. Mclendon stated that the umpire was not making the right calls so he took the base. Good stuff.

Anyway, when I got home to finish up with my real job I turned on MLB TV and saw the Zambrano meltdown and had to type.


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