Rain and Loss ~ Baseball in San Diego

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rain and Loss

I woke up this morning with a screaming sore throat! I tried salt and warm water and have sucked on countless Halls "soothing" lozenges. They all have not worked, so I went to my doctor buddy who gave me a rx for zithromax. Good stuff.

Anyway, the Padres were put out of their misery last night in the 8th due to rain. The local nine just can't get out of their own way.

As of today they are losing 4-1 in the matinee at the arm pit stadium that is Wrigley. Adrian has gone yard again and had all the RBI for the Padres in this 3 three game series. Lou why are you pitching to him? Are you and Buddy friends and feel that a couple of runs for SD each game is the gentleman thing to do? Either way if I am the manager of any opposing team there is no way in h-e-double hockey stick that I pitch to Adrian. He is on fire!!!!

Adrian Gonzalez is such a class act that he just keeps putting up great numbers without complaining. I hope he is not staying quiet in fear of his brother getting sent down to single A or wherever he belongs. Keep it up Gonzo, you are the only bright spot in this entire lineup that deserves national media.

Oh would you look at that.....7-1 Cubs in the 7th. I was holding out hope for a close loss not a blow out.

KT shake up the roster, Moorad maybe KT should go, it has been many years of his work. One can't even give KT credit for the 2 playoff teams in the middle of this decade, they stunk! There was no hitting at all. I had season tix for the first three years at PETCO and enjoyed 1-3 runs a game. Great pitching though. Can you imagine if we had one power bat with those playoff teams we may have won a series. I mean the World Series!!!!!

Blog tomorrow


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