Friday, June 5, 2009

Losers of 5 out of 6 Friars try tonight against Snakes

Sorry to my 3 followers for the long layoff, it has been a busy week at my real job. Anyway, the Padres came up against teams that could swing the bats and it has caught up to them. Losers of 5 out 0f 6 the Padres just can't seem to play consistent ball.

Now that Hairston is hurt the Padres can only rely on Gonzalez to hit, steal bases, and score runs. Why all three? He is the only player that can get on base. The Padres are so bad on offense that not one player scares any opposing pitcher.

I went to the game this past Wednesday against the Phillies and watched Kouz hit into two double plays. He is awful. Giles has been swinging at more first pitches than I have ever seen before in his entire career and for the rest of the players try and name them.

Adrian Gonzalez was on the Jim Rome show today and represented the Padres very well. He was cool, cam and collected even after Romey asked him if he was on the "juice."

Tonight is a good chance to get fat on another bad team in the NL Worst(West.) Game time 7:05.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Padres get a sloppy 8-5 win in the desert.

Jake Peavy went 6 1/3 innings for a gutty performance against the Diamondbacks last night in Arizona. I call it gutty because he was pitching with a strained tendon that was giving him problems pushing off the mound. Adrian comes back and hits his MLB leading 18th homer and the Padres take advantage of a sloppy game played by the Snakes to get the win.

Peavy pitching in pain is the reason why the Padres are crazy to trade him. Jake goes out while hurt and gives it his all knowing that his days in SD are numbered. Most players would tell the "skip" he just can't go due to being hurt. Players like Manny Rameriz, Gary Sheffield, and Randy Johnson just to name a few of the all time "jakes." "Jake" in sports terms mean someone who can play but won't because he does not want to for whatever reason. The point is Jake Peavy is no 'jake."

Adrian Gonzalez continues to be awesome! I just can't explain it any further. He is not even in the top five in MLB voting for the All-Star game. Any fan knows that means nothing.

In the back of my truck doing my real job now inputing my calls. No game tonight.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zambrano loses his mind against Pittsburgh

Today in Chicago Carlos Zambrano lost his mind. He was ejected in the seventh after Nyier Morgan tied the game on a wild pitch. The play was close but went in favor of the Buccos. Zambrano went nuts!!!!

This guy is truly one of the all time great hot heads. After screaming at home plate umpire Mark Carlson and getting tossed, Zambrano made the ejection motion to Carlson. It was classic Zambrano. The he decided to toss the baseball into left center and then take a bat to the dug out. He beat up on a gatorade machine and whatever else was in his path. I can't tell you how fun it was to watch.

Making the situation even better was Cub manager Lou Pinella, the "King of the Hotheads." In his post game press conference he was saying that Carlos needed to relax and learn to settle down. What? Have you ever seen Lou get all twisted after a bad call? It is great!

Some of the all time great melt downs in the game have to inlude George Brett being accused of too much pine tar on his bat. He went so sideways after the umpire made the call that he had to be restrained by half of his team, then he emptied the dug out onto the field. Does anyone remember Carlos Perez of the Dodgers taking a bat to two Gatorade coolers after walking three Pirates in a row? I don't know why he was so steamed, Kevin Malone had just signed him to some ridiculous contract that he never lived up to. Good old Kevin Malone!

Lloyd McClendon actually picking up 1st base and leaving with it was another great meltdown. Mclendon stated that the umpire was not making the right calls so he took the base. Good stuff.

Anyway, when I got home to finish up with my real job I turned on MLB TV and saw the Zambrano meltdown and had to type.


Friars Fall Short in Top of the 9th

You have to give the boys credit even in a loss. Kevin Corriea was lights out for 5 innings and then all of a sudden he forgot how to pitch. With 2 out and nobody on he gave up three hits in a row leading to 2 runs and then totally collapsed the next inning. Maybe he is a 4 inning pitcher.

Playing without the only true star on the team, Adrian Gonzalez, the Padres mounted a furious comeback only to fall short when Kouz flied out to deep right center. It was a good a bat for Kouz seeing he fell behind in the count immediately. That is why he needs to go. Kouz jumps on everything and anything. I think he starts swinging on deck and does not stop until he is either out or on base.

Either way they lost, but it was a great 10 game streak that brought the fans back and the team back to .500. I was telling my wife they are going to lose at least 50 more games this year so let's not get too worked up about this loss. What they need to do now is play consistent ball, win 3 in a row here and there and not get caught up in a losing slump like they did in the beginning of May. Anything is better than losing 19 0f 24.

Peavy takes the bump tonight for the Padres in a park that has not been too kind to him. Lets hope he has a good start because his time in SD is short. The rumor mill now says the Mets should trade for him. Who knows!

Did you see 34 year AJ Finch looking stunned in the dug out last night? It seemed he was looking for anyone and everyone for help. He had that deer in the headlights glare while he clapped on his D'backs. What he did to Bob Melvin is not right and the baseball gods will take care of him. Good luck AJ.

Go Padres and watch Jake tonight in what could be one of his last starts for the local nine.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Padres Win 10 in a row!

Wow! The Pad Squad was down 7-1 in the 8th inning and somehow squeak out a 9-7 win in 10 innings against the Diamondbacks.

Since the game was not on TV I listened on the radio to Uncle Teddy, Jerry and Andy. Sounds like a cast from the Andy Griffith Show. Anyway, those guys do a great job and it was refreshing to listen to broadcasters who are excited and loyal to the club. Jerry Coleman is probably one of the most under appreciated broadcasters in baseball. When worthy media outlets talk broadcasters, they always mention the likes of Scully, Barber, Shannon, Harwell and John Miller to some extent. All of them are very deserving, but Coleman has been around just as long and the guy won 6 titles while playing for the Yankees.

The best Jerry Coleman story I can remember in my short 13 years in San Diego is when Reuben Rivera(remember that tank?) was up to bat with 1 or 2 on in the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs and the Padres down a run. Rivera hits the ball down the first base line that Jerry calls caught and the ball game was over. A full 2 seconds later Jerry regroups says the ball goes into right field and the Padres win the game. It was awesome.

Back to the Padres. They showed alot of character yesterday afternoon by storming back from 6 down to win the game. Headly, who has been awful, rebounded with a shot to put the Padres ahead for good.

As for the rest of the team, they need to start hitting. Their average over this win streak is in the low .200s. This will eventually catch up with them.

Game time 6:40pm Pacific. Watch it!


Monday, May 25, 2009

9 wins in a row! Beat up on slumping Cubs.

Could there be anything more enjoyable then putting a whooping on the Cubs and all of the Cub fans that showed up at PETCO over the weekend? I think not. You know Cub fan showed up hoping to get a couple of wins off the Padres and go home to the "arm pit" known as Wrigley Field feeling pretty good about themselves.

I can't tell you how good I feel this Monday morning! Other than the Dodgers, there is no team I take such pleasure in beating than the Cubs. As previous posts state, their fans think they are so special. Maybe because the have not one a series title since the Jurassic period or because their cute little field is so celebrated, I don't get it. Either way they all left San Diego or if they live here left PETCO with a sinking feeling in their stomachs.

How about Reed Johnson cutting the score in half yesterday? Did you see Cub fan get all excited? I think they thought they were going to win the game. Only for Kouz(you all know I am not a big fan of his) to come up and send one in the left field seats. It was awesome!

I forgot to mention that I watched the game yesterday on WGN. Brenley and whoever the play by play guy is would not give the Padres an ounce of credit. Chris Young held the Cubs hitless through 4 innings and all Brenley could say was that Young had a mediocre fastball. Ever since Brenley cried about Ben Davis bunting to break up Curt Shillings perfect game back in the day, I have not been able to listen to this guy.

One more thing, I was in Palm Desert over the weekend with my family and we decided to go to a water park yesterday. Who was right in front of me on the slide? Tino Martinez. That guy looks like he can still pick up a bat and swing it. All I wanted to do was ask him, how did he lay off a 2-2 pitch with 2 outs and bases loaded from Mark Langston in the '98 World Series that was clearly a strike, but called ball. All Padres fans know what happened next, Tino took a 3-2 pitch and drove it over the right field wall at Yankee Stadium and that essentially was the end of the Series. Oh yeah that was only game one. Anyway, he was with his family and seemed like a great guy so I resisted.

What a great Monday! How about you Cub fan? Happy Memorial Day to all of our war heros and God Bless America.


What a great Monday! Happy Memorial to all of our war heros and God Bless America

Friday, May 22, 2009

Peavy Nixes Trade, 3-2 Win, and Pads get Gwynn Jr.

Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad!

Great news that Jake is still a Padre and will pitch tonight against Zambrano of the Cubs. That is going to be a great match up. I just hope Zambrano has a melt down and tries to take out one of his own players in the dug out! It was awesome when he went after catcher Michael Barrett. That guy is wound a little too tight!

Gwynn Jr. comes home to SD where he played high school and college ball. I could care less about this move except for one interesting sub-plot. Could Tony Gwynn Sr. be on the move and be the next manager of the Padres? He is Mr. Padre and now that his son plays here on the cheap I would not put it past management to put Sr. in charge. We shall see.

How about that come back win last night? Six in a row all by scoring minimal runs with great pitching. This will be a tough series with the Cubs, beacuse unlike the Giants the Cubs can hit.

Padre fans be patient with Ulta-annoying Cub fans this weekend. For some reason they think they are special fans, with a special team and an even more special stadium, park, no no they call it a field.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2-1 Padres Win!

Well, did I tell you it would be a low scoring game? CY rebounded well and the Padres offense were able to get 2 homers off of Barry Zito to win the game 2-1. I wanted CY to at least go 7 strong, but I will take 6 innings and win any day. Zito continues to pitch well and partly justify his gazillion dollar contract, by going 8 innings. Poor guy gets no run support. I feel no sympathy for him because Peavy may have 25 more wins under his belt if he ever had run support.

The SD Bombers of Hairston and Hunley do all the damage against Zito that was needed. I am going to be more critical of the offense tonight if they cant find a way to score at least 5 runs. The no name pitcher going tonight for the Giants has an ERA of at least 5. These are the type of nights that the Padres make a 5 plus ERA pitcher look like Cy Young.

In other games: Knuckeballer Tim Wakefield went 8 innings of cheese throwing to stop the Jays and the fricking Dodgers won again!

Explain to me why the Dodgers have all this great young talent and the Padres have squat?

Come on!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bell interviewed on JRIB, Young goes tonight for the Pads

Heath Bell was on the Jim Rome is Burning show today and did an excellent job of representing the Padres. He was well spoken, not to cocky and showed a true appreciation for the game of baseball and the fact that he is on a big league team. It was refreshing to see a Padre on the national show and Bell deserves the spotlight as is save record is perfect.

Chris Young goes tonight against the Giants. This "should" be a good rebound gme for Young as he got pounded in Chicago his last time out. The Giants are about as offensively inept as the Padres and you might just see the first non scoring game in MLB history.

Sorry for the short post, I feel like garbage.

Go Pads.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Peay Throws CG, while Pads Sweep Reds

What a weekend at PETCO. Two great comebacks and an awesome game thrown by the true Ace of the staff Jake Peavy.

Giving up a lead off double to start the game did not bother Jake as he went on to put away 17 in row at one time and completely dominate the game. He took some heat off his fastball to conserve energy to get through the game. Striking out Reds slugger Jay Bruce to win the game was a fitting way to end a hard played series at the yard.

The boys did strand a ton of runners again and need to plate some of these guys when they get back into division play on Tuesday against the Giants.

All the way across the country at Yankee stadium, Johnny Damon had a walk of homer to beat the Twins and complete a sweep. It was the third straight Yankee game with a walk off winning hit. I still don't think Johnny likes it in NY, he just does not fit the corporate mold of being a Yankee.

Okay Pads let's continue these winning ways. Oh yeah, good hitting Kouz.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lava Man and Towers is Embarrased, Padres roll!

Bud Black is pipen hot mad and Kevin Towers does not know which way to turn.

Two nights ago the little team that couldn't, rallied for a 5-3 victory at PETCO, ending a 6 game losing streak and putting a little confidence back into the club.

Kevin Correia where have you been? 7 strong innings of work when the club needed an "ace" to pick up the team. Now only if Jake and Chris had that kind of run support they would be world beaters.

Then last night they go 16 innings to get the win. The Padres have not given up and it is good to see the spirit and drive these guys have at this point of the season. They could be mailing it in playing for paychecks, but the young guys may never get this chance again.

Now we need Henry Blanco to find his bat and before we release Giles get a few more hits out of him. I was surprised to see Eck get called out looking as well as Giles. That just does not happen to often.

Peavy is on the hill today which "should" convert to a win. A three game winning streak? That would be awesome. Good luck boys!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow! Hoffy is 8 for 8 in Save Chances.

Good for Trevor Hoffman! He deserves to be on a winning team and it is good to see him pitching well again. I completely get why the Padres did not resign him, who would he mentor? There is not one person on the Padres club that is good enough or would listen to a veteran like Trevor.

Now that is not to say Heath Bell is not a good closer or could use Trevor in the bully, but what for? Heath is doing fine and there is no reason to have Hoffman sitting in the bullpen spitting seeds looking mean just to hop in the shower without seeing any action.

Tim Sullivan writes a good article in the SD Union Tribune about how he Padres can get out of this funk. I agree with most of what he is saying(mainly because he has been doing this for years and he looks mean.) Trade Peavy, yes. Send Kouz to the moon, yes. Extend Adrian, yes. Bring back Maddox, no! That is the problem with the Padres, they bring in retreads every single year.

Just let the crappy pitchers pitch and bring up some young hitters to see
what happens.

This franchise is so far in the tank that trading Peavy for allot of young talent is the only option. Great article Tim.

Oh, I almost forget about the 11-3 beatdown the squad took in Chicago. Enough said. Maybe a little home cooking and long fences will help them out.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rain and Loss

I woke up this morning with a screaming sore throat! I tried salt and warm water and have sucked on countless Halls "soothing" lozenges. They all have not worked, so I went to my doctor buddy who gave me a rx for zithromax. Good stuff.

Anyway, the Padres were put out of their misery last night in the 8th due to rain. The local nine just can't get out of their own way.

As of today they are losing 4-1 in the matinee at the arm pit stadium that is Wrigley. Adrian has gone yard again and had all the RBI for the Padres in this 3 three game series. Lou why are you pitching to him? Are you and Buddy friends and feel that a couple of runs for SD each game is the gentleman thing to do? Either way if I am the manager of any opposing team there is no way in h-e-double hockey stick that I pitch to Adrian. He is on fire!!!!

Adrian Gonzalez is such a class act that he just keeps putting up great numbers without complaining. I hope he is not staying quiet in fear of his brother getting sent down to single A or wherever he belongs. Keep it up Gonzo, you are the only bright spot in this entire lineup that deserves national media.

Oh would you look at that.....7-1 Cubs in the 7th. I was holding out hope for a close loss not a blow out.

KT shake up the roster, Moorad maybe KT should go, it has been many years of his work. One can't even give KT credit for the 2 playoff teams in the middle of this decade, they stunk! There was no hitting at all. I had season tix for the first three years at PETCO and enjoyed 1-3 runs a game. Great pitching though. Can you imagine if we had one power bat with those playoff teams we may have won a series. I mean the World Series!!!!!

Blog tomorrow


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 Cubbie Homers thruough 5.

Oh where have you gone Chris Young? One good game three bad games. 5 homers allowed to Cub hitters through 5 innings. Padres offense once again is anemic and there is no reason to watch any further.

Shall we shake things up a little bit? Yes. Management please release Brian Giles! He batted 7th today which must be a first for him. He has never batted 7th in Pittsburgh or San Diego, maybe when he was coming up in the Indians organization.

Unfortunately we have have to keep Kouz. Why? Because he stinks so bad we will get nothing for him. News flash, rain delay in the 5th to spare the Padres further humiliation for maybe an hour. Oh no, the rain stopped as fast as it came and now they are rolling back up the tarp. Crap!

Back to players. Kouz will be traded as soon as the Padres are 30 games under .500 and he is back batting .280 with 18 dingers. Of course he is good when nothing counts.

Keep Eck, Headly, Gonzalez, I guess Hundley, Hairston(the Mexican flash). Bring up Venable, Blanks and whoever might be able to make contact.

This season is in the can. Be back tomorrow with the final 4 innings from Wrigley. Did I mention I hate the Cubs. Adrian just hit number 13th, his 2nd of the night. Poor Adrian.......


WOW!! Great Game Last Night

.......loss! That is 4 straight , 13 defeats in 14 away games, and 4-17 in their last 21.

Has the ship sunk? The fat lady sung her last note? I don't know, but the Padres need to start taking credit for this disaster and tell us something other than coach speak, GM speak and owner speak.

We all go to games, spend a ton of money on beer, peanuts, fish tacos and cotton candy for the kids.
This is not Pittsburgh where there are no jobs. Last I checked we have employers like SAIC(largest private engineering firm in the world), Qualcomm(wasn't their stock at $660 at one time), and Pzfizer has seven fricking buildings in LA Jolla! San Diego is the 7th largest city in the US and we are treated to a AAA ball club.

PETCO PArk is a gem and last home game had 14k plus in attendance.

Tonight Chris Young toes the rubber for the Padres, hopefully there are at least two runs in the Padres offense tonight. I will check back in later tonight to see how our beloved Padres are doing.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Please Tell Me It is September

Padre Fans!

It is only May 12th and the team is in a spiral that looks impossible to get out of. Buddy says the team will not quit and the attitude is strong. Have you looked at Giles, Kouz, Headly and LRod(how can he have a nickname) they all look like they have never picked up a bat in their life!

This is my 13th year in San Diego and coming from towns in Mass. and NJ where baseball fans run rabid for the Red Sox and Yankees I have decided to put my full allegiance to the Pad Squad. Not the chics and one guy that run around giving out free t-shirts that shrink, the Padres Baseball Club.

They have inspired me to blog and refine my writing skills along the way. I love the Padres and want nothing more for them to do well, but this is getting out of hand.

They are in the top of the 9th in Chicago and are going to lose for the 4th straight........

More tomorrow on May 13th.